Hybrid Classroom

Colleges & Universities

Double is being used in higher education in many ways, including building hybrid classrooms with both online and in-person students, to enable professors to continue teaching when they move out of state, and even in library services for giving remote tours and showcasing innovative technology.

Homebound Students

Bringing the rich learning environment of a classroom to a homebound or hospitalized student can be very difficult. Double enables the remote student to join the classroom in realtime, interact with other students one-on-one, and participate in group discussion. The telepresence robot is a revolutionary tool for homebound students.

Professional Development and Remote Specialists

Double is helping to save school districts tens of thousands of dollars in their Professional Development budgets. Through partnerships with service providers, like Lindamood-Bell and TinyEYE Therapy Services, experts can join the classroom remotely, while maintaining a mobile presence.

The remote expert no longer wastes time driving around the district or flying around the country. You can get more PD for your budget or re-allocate that budget to other learning activities.

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